I am Amanda, a trained contemporary dancer, certified yoga teacher and ensemble director with specialisation in musical theatre.

My passions include the body and the mind, wellbeing, and deep connection with all things.

My mission is to create safe spaces for healing and personal growth through dance, music and yoga.

In my training years, I was highly perfectionistic and competitive. Eventually, I wasn’t able to keep up with my high expectations, neither mentally nor physically. With the support of some amazing teachers, I learned how to take care of myself and my body. I learned about anatomy and posture, training and rest periods, meditation, relaxation, vocal healing, diet, sleep, and how to integrate all that in my training. Now I enjoy passing on this valuable knowledge to my students.

As a teacher I continuously ask myself how I can create a learning environment where students are encouraged to achieve their highest potential without experiencing pressure. With me, you can make mistakes, try things out, listen to your body and test your own limits. I believe that my extensive knowledge of the body, curiosity towards learning and holistic approach provide the sensitivity that a teacher needs to be able to fully support their students.

My classes will help you to find balance and relaxation, develop healthy habits, and explore your creativity.

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