Yoga makes you feel good.
It helps to focus, reduce anxiety and stress, and find balance.

Increase your strength
and flexibility

Improve your energy and vitality

Boost your immune system

Find gratitude and confidence

Accept yourself

Improve your athletic performance, prevent injuries and be at ease with yourself

Easy Hatha

Mondays  6:00 – 7:00 pm

Spirit Sadhana School of Yoga
C/ de Casp 118, 6-2
08013 Barcelona

Class held in English or Spanish depending on the group.

The focus of EASY HATHA is to tune into the body, move and stretch our joints and to enjoy some introspective time. We will practice awareness of the body, breath and of what’s going on in the mind. There is no need to achieve anything in this space. Bring along comfortable clothing. I will adapt each session to the needs of the class.

© unsplash / junseong-lee

EASY HATHA is for people who...
  • are looking for a relaxed yoga class
  • are a beginner or want to treat themselves with a chill class to wind down from the day
  • need some muscle recovery from an intense workout
  • want to gently get to know their body
  • want to soften their body and release tension
What we will do
  • A little warm up
  • Soft exercises to stretch and lengthen the body
  • Challenge the body respecting very much our current state of being
  • relaxation at the end with occasional adjustments or gentle touch if wanted


single/drop-in 15€
5 sessions (valid 2 months) 60€
10 sessions (valid 3 months) 110€

first class FREE

discount 15%: unemployed / student
discount 20%: first time purchase coming from other teachers of @sadhanayogastudiobcn

Custom Sequence

Get a custom yoga sequence for your practice at home!

What’s included?
  • 3-4 private sessions (in Barcelona or online).
  • 60 min practice designed for your personal needs.
  • cheat sheet with your sequence (see example).
  • Variations for shorter practices.
  • Personalised table with intentions, meditation. and pranayama (breath work) to choose from.
This offer is for you if you...
  • want to establish a regular practice for yourself.
  • are looking for a sequence tailored to your goals and needs.
  • struggle practicing yoga regularly because you don’t have a routine.
  • want to overcome your inner couch potato.
  • are new to yoga and would like an introduction at your own pace or
  • are a dancer or athlete who is looking for a practice to accompany your weekly training.
  • already have a practice but would like to change your focus.


  • 3 sessions x 1 hour + sequence 170,00 €

For 5€ per session I will come to your home in Barcelona

Money back guarantee!
Get to know me first and pay after the first session. If you are not convinced you don’t pay.

Example Sequence

Vinyasa  •  Ashtanga  •  Yin

Private Classes

Are you looking for more assistance in your practice? Do you want to focus on what you are doing without distractions? Do you feel irritated by the people practicing around you in a full class?

  • Sign up for a private class by yourself, with your partner or with friends and family.
  • Go at your own pace.
  • Enjoy the teacher’s full attention.
  • Keep developing your custom sequence or get new input every week.

In a private yoga class I will invite you to flow through asanas (poses) with high levels of concentration in order to dive into a deeply meditative state. Since I am an anatomy nerd we will work on good alignment and correct posture as a base, but we will also discover different states of mind and play with consciousness and energy.

1 class = 60 min



1 person 40€
2 people 23€
3 people 18€
4 people 15€

10% discount on packs of 4 classes
*prices per person

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