The voice is a medium of expression that is very closely connected to our emotions. Being excited, angry or sad reflects immediately in our voice. Often, the tone we speak in comunicates more than the words we use.

When we work with the voice, we can access and free what is inside. We also get to tune into the vibrations of our surroundings and feel wonderfully alive.

Vocal Coaching

Sing or speak with confidence, learn to love your voice, and gain control over your voice.

I encouage learning through self-awareness, listening to yourself, experimentation, understanding anatomy, and visualisation. Our work on style and technique will be personalised to what you need and are looking for.

What to expect

A class generally includes:

  • breath work
  • relaxation
  • warm-up exercises
  • singing technique
  • song interpretation

Depending on your goals and needs we will also work on:

  • musicality & rhythm
  • pitch
  • style
  • reading sheet music
  • stage presence
  • modern music
  • rock, pop, jazz
  • musical theatre


single class 45€
4 classes 140€

*duration: 60 min

Book a tryout session

To get to know each other I offer a tryout session for 20€. We will discuss your goals and expectations and you will get an idea of what working with me will be like.

Get in touch >>

Singing Harmonies

Group Singing Course
every Wednesday 
6 – 7:15 pm

Spirit Sadhana School of Yoga
C/ de Casp 118, 6-2
08013 Barcelona

In SINGING HARMONIES we will play with different exercises to connect to our own voice and to find our sound within the group. We will explore some improvisational tasks, enjoy singing easy songs together and work on some more complex harmonies to deepen our understanding of singing with various voices.

All levels are welcome. This is a place of acceptance and willingness to see each other grow, which equally includes ‘failing’ and ‘succeeding’.

Singing Harmonys

© unsplash / allec-gomes


single/drop in 25€
5 classes (valid 2 months) 100€
10 classes (valid 3 months) 180€ 

first class FREE

discount 15%: unemployed / student
discount 20%: first time purchase coming from other teachers of @sadhanayogastudiobcn

Healing with the voice

In HEALING WITH THE VOICE I will lead you through therapeutic processes, resolving emotions that may limit your energy in daily life, through working with your voice as a means of expression. This is for people who want to understand and change certain aspects of their voice as part of their personality, as well as for people who are looking for impacting sound experiences and deep meditative states.

In our one on one sessions we will address any habits that restrict you in your expression and look for ways that allow your voice to unfold in its full potential. I will assist you with topics such as:


  • speaking in front of people professionally
  • strain or tightness while singing
  • hoarseness or resistance while speaking
  • feeling disconnected from your voice
  • fear of being loud, speaking up, being heard, etc.
  • stuttering or unclear sentence structures
  • other issues related to the voice


single session 80€
8 sessions 600€

Coaching for actors

Let’s interview your charakter!

© unsplash / allec-gomes

As part of the therapeutic work in “healing with the voice”, I lead interviews with certain parts of someone’s personality, or even body parts. I have discovered, that these interviews are also very effective for understanding your role’s personality and behaviour. We will take your acting to another level by discovering the subtleties of the character you play.


60 min 50€
4 x 60 min 160€

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